Indoor bunny 3

Rabbits in the house?

Small pets
Would you like to keep rabbits but are lacking the space in your garden? Don’t worry, you can also keep rabbits inside your home. The benefits of indoor bunnies and tips on how to best care for them can be found below.

Keeping rabbits as pets is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. These cute and playful animals can make great companions. In fact, rabbits are social animals that enjoy spending time with their owners. They can form strong bonds and are often happy to be petted and cuddled.

Benefits of keeping an indoor bunny

More contact with your pet

An indoor bunny living with you in your home creates a more intense contact between you and your pet. In this way, you will get to know your indoor bunny better and have much more fun with it. This is not only fun for you, but also for your bunny itself!

Less moisture and a stable temperature

A bunny living outside experiences very different conditions than a bunny living indoors. Especially in terms of moisture and temperature, there is a big difference. An indoor bunny does not suffer from humid conditions and enjoys a stable temperature, which contributes to good health.

Advantages over other pets

Rabbits are easy animals to keep in the house. They make little noise, which is ideal for people who live in apartments or want to maintain a quiet environment. Although rabbits require daily care, they are generally less demanding than some other pets such as dogs.

Caring for your indoor bunny

Before you make the decision to bring an indoor bunny into your home, it is important to check a few things and make sure your home is bunny-proof.


Carpet gives your bunny a lot of grip when running through your home, but is less ideal if your bunny is not housebroken. Tiles or wood are easier to keep clean and therefore more hygienic. Tip: Many rabbits can be trained to use a litter box, which makes cleaning easier.

Safety: cables and plants

Cables and plants are in fact very attractive to a rabbit. Hide cables as best you can to reduce the danger to your bunny. Put plants in places where the rabbit cannot reach them to keep them safe.

Their own patch

Even though your bunny lives with you in the house, having its own place is very important. The more spacious, the better! In this indoor enclosure, we recommend providing a sleeping area and a toilet corner. That way the rabbit has its own place to sleep and learns to go to the toilet corner when needed.