Do you want to keep ferrets as pets? Here’s what you need to know.
A fret-proof house
Before you decide to take up the challenge and bring this predator into your home, take a look at the options for where your new pet will live. The first question to ask is, “Where is your ferret going to live, indoors or outdoors?” Both options mean certain things must be taken into account.
To begin with, the animal must be able to enjoy itself, and therefore needs space. If you choose indoors, the recommendation is to provide a minimum ground surface area of two metres. If you plan to house the animal outside, there are several things that must be taken into account. For example, the minimum ground surface area must be 6 metres. It is also important that the accommodation is well insulated and has shelter for the night time. Ferrets are sensitive to heat and sun, so it is essential that the hutch is placed in an area with natural shelter.
Next, we come to the layout of hutch. What must the hutch contain? We start with a toilet area. Ferrets like to relieve themselves in a fixed place. This is why installing a separate toilet area in the main hutch is essential. This will allow your ferret to calmly do his or her business.
Ferrets like to be able to hide themselves away. This gives them a sense of security. Therefore, provide them with a few pieces of cloth or towels in their sleeping area so they can snuggle up and sleep underneath.
Fret-proof care
It all starts with potty training your new pet. Ferrets are never completely house trained, but it is still important to train them as much as possible. This is better for you and your ferret.
Ferrets need fresh drinking water every day. Their water bottle should be cleaned once a week to prevent bacteria building up. Hygiene in the toilet area is also important for the health of your ferret and should ideally be cleaned daily.
Ferrets need a regular check up. Check their teeth, nails, fur and ears on a regular basis. Don’t worry if your ferret sleeps a lot during the day. Ferrets are not nocturnal animals but they can sleep a lot during the day, and often they become very active at dusk.