Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs originate from South America, specifically Peru and Chile. The animals lived in the wild, but were then also kept as pets.

Guinea pigs originate from South America, specifically Peru and Chile. The animals lived in the wild, but were then also kept as pets. They were brought to Europe at the end of the 16th century. A guinea pig is a sweet, affectionate animal and is generally quiet, which is why a guinea pig is a great companion for children. Guinea pigs are social animals and live in groups in the wild. A single guinea pig will soon be lonely. Therefore, a guinea pig prefers to live together with one or more of its own kind. Be well-informed about the best way to keep guinea pigs in a group. Nutrition and health are inextricably entwined. Good, healthy feed, with sufficient vitamin C, is absolutely essential for healthy, active guinea pigs with a beautiful coat. If you feed them HobbyFirst Hope Farms Guinea Pig Granola or Guinea Pig Complete (pellets), they will have everything they need. It is essential that you play with, cuddle, and brush your guinea pig every day. Guinea pigs are often kept as pets and there are breeders who specialise in a particular breed. There are guinea pigs in various colours and varieties.

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Choosing a guinea pig
Before you buy a guinea pig, you must be sure you can take good care of it.

What you must consider:

  • Provide a proper shelter

  • Space to move around

  • Provide fresh water, hay, and food daily

  • Daily cuddles

  • Regular brushing

  • Clean the cage weekly

  • Visit to the veterinarian

Which guinea pig is best for you?
Your own preference is important, of course, but also whether it is an indoor or outdoor guinea pig. Guinea pigs can live outside during the summer. They are not very resistant to the cold, heat, or rain and will need protection. When the temperature drops, they must have a draught and frost-free area for sheltering. There are various breeds in many varieties such as smooth-haired, long-haired, and wiry-haired guinea pigs.

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What do guinea pigs eat?
All guinea pigs are herbivores. They have a long digestive tract to break down the plant cells, so that all nutrients are released. Like rabbits, guinea pigs regularly eat their own faeces. We call this natural behaviour ‘coprophagy’. Guinea pigs eat guinea pig feed, hay, vegetables, and fruit.

What do I feed my guinea pig?
Guinea pigs can be fed ad libitum (= as needed); they will stop eating when they have had enough. Hay is an important nutrient and also stimulates the functioning of the intestines and the wear of the teeth. Guinea pigs are not able to produce vitamin C themselves, as other animals do. HobbyFirst Hope Farms guinea pig feeds contain a large amount of vitamin C.


  • A guinea pig can see every colour

  • The guinea pig’s species name is Porcellus

  • There are more than 25 breeds of guinea pigs

  • Guinea pigs can recognise your personal scent

  • A guinea pig’s temperature is 37–39°C

  • Willow branches are good for wearing down teeth

  • You can also give it twigs from untreated fruit trees