foto zak papegaaien

King Parrots

Traditional grain and seed mixture for parrots. It is best fed in combination with fresh fruit and vegetables.

King Parrots

Traditional grain and seed mixture for parrots. It is best fed in combination with fresh fruit and vegetables.

King Parrots

No. 700797215 - 15 KG


Sunflowerseeds striped - 24,5%
Sunflower seeds white - 22,5%
Cardy - 8%
Maize french - 7.5%
Wheat - 7.5%
Oats, spiked - 5%
Milo - 5%
Sunflower seed striped large - 5%
Arachids - 4%
Buckwheat - 4%
Paddy rice - 4%
Hempseed - 2%
Cedar nuts - 1%

foto mengeling King Papegaaien

Brochure King
pdf, 5.24MB
Brochure King