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  • Dog
  • Chicken
  • Garden visitors
  • Small pets
  • Farmyard animals


image of a finch
Colourful and different birds in your garden?
Your garden is home to many more bird species than you think. It is fascinating and also easy to observe them with their colours, songs and flying skills.
Do you want to keep ferrets as pets? Here’s what you need to know.
Ferrets, they are those little, clever and cute predators! Maybe not the most obvious pet at first but this doesn't make them any less fun. In this blog you will discover all about keeping ferrets.
aanschaf puppie
What you should pay attention to when buying a dog
Many people love dogs. A dog is fun, provides companionship and is a buddy for life. But you also have to care for him, and that care takes time, energy and money. Read everything you need to know before purchasing a dog here.
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Tips for grooming your goat
Goats are social and active animals that require specific care and environment to live optimally. In this blog, we discuss everything you need to know about caring for goats, from nutrition and housing to companionship and fencing.
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The right feed for your chickens!
Find out which foods and supplements best suit your feathered friends.
vogel op terras
Decorate your garden for birds
Birds are a feast in your garden. They come there to eat, build nests and raise their little ones. After a few small interventions you can be sure of twittering. How do you help the birds in your garden?
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Your first rabbit: Everything you need to know for a good start
Rabbits and children are best buddies. Who else can you have so much fun playing with? But what do rabbits eat? Which breed should I choose? And what should I think about when I want to get a rabbit into my home? Here we inform you about the most important things and help you make a good choice.
Advies cavia
Everything you need to know about guinea pigs
Guinea pigs are social and affectionate animals that require specific care and environment to live optimally. In this blog, we discuss everything you need to know about taking care of guinea pigs, from nutrition and housing to companionship and health.
Feeding garden birds
Birds are finding it increasingly difficult to find suitable food places. How can you lend them a hand? Find out here!
Indoor bunny 3
Rabbits in the house?
Would you like to keep rabbits but are lacking the space in your garden? Don’t worry, you can also keep rabbits inside your home. The benefits of indoor bunnies and tips on how to best care for them can be found below.
advies kip
Do you know everything you need to know about your chickens?
Discover useful facts about chickens here.
What does a dog stool tell you? - everything about the animal’s health
Dog poo – always annoying, especially when you step in it! But the stool also contains a lot of useful information. The shape, colour and consistency of the stool says a lot about your dog’s health and nutrition. So make sure you check your dog’s stools on a regular basis. Some tips on what to pay attention to can be found below.